Course Information
.5 Hr(s)
Video Course
Sprinklers & Suppression
Approved For:
• Wisconsin
• Sprinkler Contractor 1 & 2
• AHJ - Fire Code Administrators
• AHJ - Fire Safety Inspector 1
Sprinkler Types and Characteristics (WI)
This course details differences in sprinkler types and design and inspection, testing, and maintenance considerations. We will discuss key differences in orientation, spray patterns, response, temperature rating, and application. Specific topics include residential sprinklers, ESFR sprinklers, CMSA sprinklers, standard spray sprinklers, special sprinklers, and nozzles. Upon completion of this seminar, attendees will be able to: Identify different spray patterns of the different sprinkler types. Differentiate between standard response, fast response, special response, and quick response. Identify the components of a sprinkler. Identify the temperature rating based on color code and proximity to heat sources.
Approved For:
- Wisconsin- Technical
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