Course Information
1 Hr(s)
Video Course
Sprinklers & Suppression
Approved For:
• Florida
• Sprinkler Contractor 1 & 2
• AHJ - Fire Code Administrators
• AHJ - Fire Safety Inspector 1
• Water Based Inspectors
Fire Pumps Tips, Tricks & Trouble Shooting (FP17358)
Course Description:
Description: We will look into the common troubles in the pumproom and how to properly diagnose and potentially fix the situation. We will look at pump room arrangements and how to properly ask for a quotation from your pump representative. We will also look at NFPA 20 and 25. In there we will discuss proper maintenance and testing procedures of fire pumps. Audience: Fire protection contractors, water-based inspectors, AHJs, building engineers, facility managers Learning Objectives:
- Diagnosing and fixing common fire pump issues
- Improving conversations with your pump rep
- Proper testing and maintenance per NFPA 20 and 25
Instructor: Chris Dilday
This course requires that a minimum total time of 120 minutes is spent in the course work. This course is approved for the following:
- Fire Protection Contractors 1 & 2
- Water Based Inspectors
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