Course Information
1 Hr(s)
Video Course
Sprinklers & Suppression
Approved For:
• Florida
• Sprinkler Contractor 1 & 2
• Water Based Inspectors
Water Storage Tanks (FP17350)
Course Description:
To some surprise, water supply is the most overlooked feature of a water-based fire protection system. And while most focus on the physical equipment that provides the pressure such as a fire pump, and the other system components such as valves and discharge devices, little attention is put towards the water source for the system itself. Sadly, it falls into the “assumed” abyss. For many systems, store water is the sole source of supply which begs the question, what are the IT&M requirements for keeping this water supply in good working order and ready for use over the life of the system? This seminar will review the requirements for IT&M of Water Storage Tanks and discuss the most important features of this system component to ensure the water-based system will have adequate water available when it needs it. 1 Hour Continuing EducationRequirements:
- The licensee must personally spend a minimum of 60 minutes on the coursework.
- Fire Protection Contractors 1 & 2
- Fire Protection Contractor 5
- Water Based Inspector
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