Course Information
1 Hr(s)
Video Course
Business Practice
Approved For:
• California
Sprinkler Fitter
The Value of your Service Brand (CA)
Course Description:
Discover how to use technology to take service activities online to strengthen customer relationships and maximize the value of your brand. In this three-part course, business leaders will learn how to:
- Sell a premium program worth a premium price that builds long-term customer relationships
- Move customer service online and earn marketing impressions from every service call
- Create a website supports customer service, sales, and customer retention programs
Developed for owners and senior leaders in service operations, sales, and customer service.
You will Learn how to use technology to connect to customers and maximize the value of your brand.
1.0 Hour CE - Business Practices
Presented By: Billy Marshall of Service Trade
This course is approved for:
- California Sprinkler Fitter
- The licensee must personally spend a minimum of 55 minutes on the coursework.
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