Course Information
16 Hr(s)
Video Course
Sprinklers & Suppression
Approved For:
• Nicet
• Colorado
• Minnesota
• Montana
• Water Based Systems
NICET Water Based Inspector Test Prep
This 16 hour course is focused on preparing for the successful completion of the examination requirements for certification through Level II for the inspection and testing of water-based suppression systems.
This seminar is focused on the understanding and use of NFPA 25. NPFA 25 is the only document allowed to be referenced while taking the examinations. In addition, basic inspector procedures and safety requirements are reviewed. The seminar utilizes timed practice quizzes totaling 200 questions to give hands-on experience in using NFPA 25 under exam-like conditions.
Note: This course requires that students have the 2014 edition of NFPA 25.
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