Course Information
3 Hr(s)
Video Course
Sprinklers & Suppression
Approved For:
• Nicet
• Colorado
• Minnesota
• Montana
• Water Based Systems
NFPA 25: Updates For Inspectors
Course Description:
This three (3) hour seminar is specifically for Florida inspectors of water-based fire suppression systems. The maintenance of fire protection systems is foundational to a successful fire and life safety program. This seminar reviews the requirement of the 2011 edition of NFPA 25 along with a preview of what is found in the 2014 edition and what is being proposed for future editions. A review of the basic requirements for water-based systems and water supplies along with how they function is conducted. The course discusses the scope and purpose of the standard, its organization, and the roles of the stakeholders involved in ensuring compliance. It includes an examination of the inspection, testing, and maintenance of the various types of sprinkler systems, standpipe and hose systems, hydrants, fire pumps, and water storage tanks. The course also includes the requirements for items such as accessibility to system components, record keeping, identifying building changes affecting the fire protection systems, and obstructions. This course gives particular attention to the issues that are unique to Florida including system tagging, reporting of deficiencies, multi-unit residential accessibility, third-party reporting and inspector/contractor liability. 3.0 Hour CE - Technical Instructor: Robert CaputoThis course is approved for:
- Fire Protection System Contractor I, II
- Water Based Inspectors
- Fire Safety Inspector
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