Course Information
4 Hr(s)
Video Course
Sprinklers & Suppression
Approved For:
• Nicet
• Colorado
• Minnesota
• Montana
• Water Based Systems
NFPA 25 ITM (2020 Edition Update)
Water-based fire protection systems and related equipment, like all mechanical equipment require some inspection, testing and maintenance work to ensure reliability and functionality. These life and property safety systems are critical to ensure occupants have time to exit buildings when fire occurs.
NFPA 25 provides the specific requirements for the ITM activities needed to be performed by Inspectors and Service Technicians. This seminar will provide greater understanding of these requirements as well as the changes in the soon to be adopted 2020 edition of NFPA 25. Participants will receive an overview of the scope and purpose of this standard and insight into practical applications to ensure system readiness, perform testing, and deal with system impairments.
Upon completion you should be able to:
- State the scope and purpose of NFPA 25.
- Identify roles and responsibilities of the system owner, the AHJ and the service provider as it relates to the requirements NFPA 25.
- Define and identify examples of impairments, critical and non-critical deficiencies.
- Identify inspection, testing, and maintenance cycles and activities (weekly, monthly, etc.)
- State the requirements for record-keeping and documenting findings.
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