Course Information
2 Hr(s)
Video Course
Sprinklers & Suppression
Approved For:
• Wisconsin
• Fire Sprinkler Contractor License
• Fire Sprinkler Contractor Maintenance
• Fire Sprinkler Fitter License
• Fire Sprinkler System Tester
NFPA 25: Beyond the Annual Inspection (WI)
This two hour course presented by John Denhardt will:
- Discuss situations where the NFPA 25 standard is misunderstood or misapplied
- Identify equipment and methods to address common problems during inspection and testing
- Sprinkler testing
- Internal inspections
- Hydrant testing
- Standpipe systems
- Hydrostatic testing of piping and fire department connections
- Identify equipment and methods to address common problems during inspection and testing
- Briefly discuss the application of automated inspection and testing and its impact on the industry.
- Wisconsin
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