Course Information
2 Hr(s)
Video Course
Sprinklers & Suppression
Approved For:
• Nicet
• Colorado
• Minnesota
• Montana
• Water Based Systems
NFPA 20: Fire Pumps (Design & Installation)
Course Description:
This seminar will review the most important topics associated with the proper design and installation of fire pumps in fire protection systems. Detailed discussions regarding applicable definitions, understanding the requirements on the suction and the discharge side, and how to properly size a fire pump; along with the consequences of manipulating pressure will be included.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn what types of fire pumps are available and what influences the type you should choose.
- Learn how to properly size a fire pump.
- Be able to identify the major design features of a fire pump and how it influences the overall design of the system.
- Recognize the major issues with the constructability of fire protection systems that have fire pumps included in their design.
2 Hours Continuing Education
Instructor: Bob Caputo
This course requires that a minimum total time of 100 minutes is spent in the coursework. When you are in a lesson, you must complete the video content before you will be permitted to proceed to the next video.
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