Course Information
1 Hr(s)
Video Course
Sprinklers & Suppression
Approved For:
• California
Sprinkler Fitter
Go With The Flow (CA)
Course Description:
Review organization and scope of standard focusing on chapters covering water supplies.
Calculating water flow. Review use of flow charts and formulas for converting nozzle pressure (psi) to flow (gpm).
Chapter 7 Private Fire Water Mains. Review inspection and testing requirements for fire hydrants and underground private water mains including conducting and analyzing flow tests.
Chapter 9 Water Storage Tanks. Review inspection and testing requirements for tanks including external and internal inspections of tank and associated valves.
Chapter 8 Fire Pumps Review inspection requirements for pump houses/rooms and pump systems including drivers, pumps, controllers, piping, and valves. Review testing requirements including weekly no-flow tests and annual performance tests.
1.0 Hour CE - Technical
Instructor: Russ Leavitt
This course is approved for:
- California Sprinkler Fitters
This course requires that a minimum total time of 60 minutes is spent in the coursework. When you are in a lesson, you must complete the video content before you will be permitted to proceed to the next video.
The lessons are set to a minimum time but you can take as much time as you need beyond that.
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