Course Information
2 Hr(s)
Video Course
Sprinklers & Suppression
Approved For:
• Nicet
• Colorado
• Minnesota
• Montana
• Water Based Systems
Foam and Clean Agent
Course Description:
Clean Agent-Introduction and overview of Clean Agents, NFPA 2001 review Clean Agents, NFPA 484 review Combustible Metals, and Q&A.Foam-Fuels, Foam Concentrates, general terms.Introduction and overview of foam, NFPA 11, 16, 30, 409, review foam and Q&A.
2 Hours of Continuing Education
Instructor: Bryan Berkley This course requires that a minimum total time of 100 minutes is spent in the coursework. When you are in a lesson, you must complete the video content before you will be permitted to proceed to the next video.Add to Cart