Course Information
1.5 Hr(s)
Video Course
Sprinklers & Suppression
Approved For:
• Florida
• Sprinkler Contractor 1 & 2
• Sprinkler Contractor 3
• Sprinkler Contractor 4
• Sprinkler Contractor 5
• AHJ - Fire Code Administrators
• AHJ - Fire Safety Inspector 1
Field Supervisor Training, Part 2: Driving Success with Leadership Skills (FP19230)
This segment will focus on pre-game planning: anticipating and avoiding common mistakes, eliminating lost time, the importance of pre-job start-up calls and meetings, using project estimate data and job conditions to create and implement action plans, and recording progress using job cost reports and as-built progress plans. Participants will learn and discuss: (1) how to anticipate and avoid common mistakes made before project launch to eliminate lost time caused by poor planning and timewasters; (2) how and why to plan pre-job start-up calls and meetings with stakeholders; and (3) looking at the project as a new start every week. Avoid getting pulled into quicksand when something goes wrong... and something always does; (4) motivating people to accomplish pre-determined goals; (5) confrontation and dealing with difficult people and situations; and (6) team building.
Approved For:
- Florida- Technical
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