
Course Information

1.5 Hr(s)
Video Course
Sprinklers & Suppression
Approved For:
• Florida
• Sprinkler Contractor 1 & 2
• Sprinkler Contractor 3
• Sprinkler Contractor 4
• Sprinkler Contractor 5
• AHJ - Fire Code Administrators
• AHJ - Fire Safety Inspector 1

Field Supervisor Training, Part 1: Improving Productivity (FP19229)

This introductory segment addresses the need for sharp focus on field productivity and provide specifics on why and how to improve field performance. Discussion will include (1) why monitoring and measuring field productivity is more important than other phases of the work or parts of the company; (2) smart use of field resources and manpower; (3) how to measure productivity; (4) how to develop standard procedures and systems to create a lean operational process; and (5) how to predict and drive toward positive outcomes. Approved For:
    • Florida - Technical
1.5 Hours Continuing Education Instructor: Bob Caputo
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