Course Information
1 Hr(s)
Video Course
Sprinklers & Suppression
Approved For:
• Wisconsin
• Fire Sprinkler Contractor License
• Fire Sprinkler Contractor Maintenance
• Fire Sprinkler Fitter License
• Fire Sprinkler System Tester
Annual Fire Testing in NFPA 25 (WI)
This course will detail requirements for annual fire pump flow testing with discussion on the pump placard, pump curves, flow measurement and devices, and flow points. Specific topics include test procedures, data collection, analysis, and safety considerations. Upon completion of this seminar, attendees will be able to: Identify different flow capacities required for testing different pump types. Identify the criteria for minimum pump performance and understand varying methods of obtaining that information. Discuss the differences between suction, net, and discharge pressure.
Approved For:
- Wisconsin Sprinkler Fitter
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