
Celsius is a unit to measure temperature. The Celsius scale is designed so that the freezing point of water is 0º C and that the boiling point of water is 100ºC. The chart below shows the freezing and boiling point of Celsius and Fahrenheit.

The formula to convert degrees Fahrenheit (ºF) to degrees Celsius (ºC) is this:
C = (F-32) x 5/9

The formula to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit is this:
F = C x 9/5 + 32

Celsius Example

For Example:
You are trying to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. The thermometer reads 212ºF.

This is your formula:
C = (212-32) x 5/9
C = (180) x 5/9
((180 x 5)=900)
C = 900/9

The solution is: C = 100

212ºF is the same as 100ºC!

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